Opel Insignia Owners & Service Manuals

Opel Insignia: Camshaft


NOTE: Examples used in this article are general in nature and do not necessarily relate to a specific engine or system. Illustrations and procedures have been chosen to guide mechanic through engine overhaul process.

Descriptions of processes of cleaning, inspection, assembly and machine shop practice are included.

Always refer to appropriate engine overhaul article, if available, in the ENGINES section for complete overhaul procedures and specifications for the vehicle being repaired.

Clean camshaft with solvent. Ensure all oil passages are clear. Inspect cam lobes and bearing journals for pitting, flaking or scoring. Using micrometer, measure bearing journal O.D.

Support camshaft at each end with "V" blocks. Position dial indicator with tip resting on center bearing journal. Rotate camshaft and note camshaft runout reading. If reading exceeds specification, replace camshaft.

Check cam lobe lift by measuring base circle of camshaft using micrometer. Measure again at 90-degree angle to tip of cam lobe. Cam lift can be determined by subtracting base circle diameter from tip of cam lobe measurement.

Different lift dimensions are given for intake and exhaust cam lobes. Reading must be within specification. Replace camshaft if cam lobes or bearing journals are not within specification.

Inspect camshaft gear for chipped, eroded or damaged teeth. Replace gear if damaged. On camshafts using thrust plate, measure distance between thrust plate and camshaft shoulder. Replace thrust plate if not within specification.


NOTE: Examples used in this article are general in nature and do not necessarily relate to a specific engine or system. Illustrations and procedures have been chosen to guide mechanic through engine overhaul process.

Descriptions of processes of cleaning, inspection, assembly and machine shop practice are included.

Always refer to appropriate engine overhaul article, if available, in the ENGINES section for complete overhaul procedures and specifications for the vehicle being repaired.

Removal & Installation

Remove camshaft rear plug. Camshaft bearing remover is assembled with shoulder resting against bearing to be removed according to manufacturer's instructions. Tighten puller nut until bearing is removed. Remove remaining bearings, leaving front and rear bearings until last. These bearings act as a guide for camshaft bearing remover.

To install new bearings, puller is rearranged to pull bearings toward the center of block. Ensure all lubrication passages of bearing are aligned with cylinder block. Coat new camshaft rear plug with sealant. Install camshaft rear plug. Ensure plug is even in cylinder block.


NOTE: Examples used in this article are general in nature and do not necessarily relate to a specific engine or system. Illustrations and procedures have been chosen to guide mechanic through engine overhaul process.

Descriptions of processes of cleaning, inspection, assembly and machine shop practice are included.

Always refer to appropriate engine overhaul article, if available, in the ENGINES section for complete overhaul procedures and specifications for the vehicle being repaired.

Lubricate bearing surfaces and cam lobes with ample amount of Molykote or camshaft lubricant.

Carefully install camshaft. Use care not to damage bearing journals during installation. Install thrust plate retaining bolts (if equipped). Tighten bolts to specification. On overhead camshafts, install bearing caps in original location. Tighten bolts to specification. On all applications, check camshaft end play.


NOTE: Examples used in this article are general in nature and do not necessarily relate to a specific engine or system. Illustrations and procedures have been chosen to guide mechanic through engine overhaul process.

Descriptions of processes of cleaning, inspection, assembly and machine shop practice are included.

Always refer to appropriate engine overhaul article, if available, in the ENGINES section for complete overhaul procedures and specifications for the vehicle being repaired.

Using dial indicator, check camshaft end play. Position dial indicator on front of engine block or cylinder head. Position indicator tip against camshaft. Push camshaft toward rear of cylinder head or engine and adjust indicator to zero.

Move camshaft forward and note reading. Camshaft end play must be within specification. End play may be adjusted by relocating gear, shimming thrust plate or replacing thrust plate depending on each manufacturer.


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