Opel Insignia Owners & Service Manuals

Opel Insignia: Propeller Shaft


 Specifications, Diagnostic Information and Procedures

SPECIFICATIONS FASTENER SPECIFICATIONS Single Use Non-Threaded Fasteners/Components NOTE: All fasteners/components listed in this table MUST BE DISCARDED and replaced with NEW after removal. Applicat

 Repair Instructions

PROPELLER SHAFT REPLACEMENT Special Tools DT-51329 Drive Shaft Remover GE-2619-A Slide Hammer Equivalent regional tools:Special Tools. Removal Procedure 1. Raise and support the vehicle. 2. Floo

 Description and Operation

PROPELLER SHAFT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION The function of the propeller shaft is to transfer power from the power transfer unit to the differential clutch. It consists of three tubes sections; the f


 Vehicle Features

Steering Wheel Controls The infotainment system can be operated by using the steering wheel controls. See "Steering Wheel Controls" in the infotainment manual. Cruise Control : Press to turn cruise control on or off. A white indicator comes on in the instrument cluster. RES+ : If there is a set

 Description and Operation

Transmission Identification Information For automatic transmission AF50, the identification plate is on the top of the transmission housing. Aisin Warner transmission type Fabrication line 1 = 000001 - 500000 Fabrication line 2 = 500001 - 999999 Transmission type (AF50) Model code GM parts

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